Entries by Laura Hardesty

WordPress 3.6 Features

WordPress 3.6 (aka Oscar) upgrade has been out a few days now, and after an initial hiccup after the upgrades I did, everything is running smoothly. I had one instances of the upgrade which resulted in an 500 Internal Server Error  screen. After an automatic, internal FREAK OUT reaction (Yes, I still get this mildly, but recover […]


Categories vs Tags

In the battle of Categories Vs Tags, who will win? The winner will always be Categories! And to the victor go the spoils. And what spoils might Victor receive? Relevant SEO traffic and that makes you, the site owner (Victor?), the real winner!

Social Media Marketing with Facebook

Social Media Marketing with Facebook 1.5 Billion people (and counting) are on Facebook. Is your website taking advantage of this free marketing tool?